What's on Previous Projects Rubbish Craft Online The board originally supported a series of free drop-in arts and crafts sessions, using all recycled materials, created by Liv Stenstrom, for Venue Cymru to run during the Easter Half Term. But, with the implementation of a lockdown as a result of the CV-19 Pandemic, it was agreed to move the scheduling of the sessions forward and to have them online, so they could be accessed by children and their parents / guardians at home. The sessions included making a plastic bottle boat, a nature crown and an eggbox crocodile. -------- Roedd y bwrdd yn cefnogi cyfres o sesiynau celf a chrefft galw heibio am ddim i ddechrau, gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau wedi’u hailgylchu, a grëwyd gan Liv Stenstrom, ar gyfer Venue Cymru yn ystod Hanner Tymor y Pasg. Ond oherwydd y cyfnod clo yn sgil y Pandemig CV-19, cytunwyd i symud y sesiynau ymlaen a’u cynnal ar-lein, fel y gall plant/rhieni gael mynediad iddynt o’u cartref. Roedd y sesiynau yn cynnwys gwneud cwch o botel blastig, coron natur a chrocodeil o focs wyau. Booking for this event has now closed.