News and blogs News BBC Children in Need Funding Press Release PRESS RELEASE Rholio i lawr i'r Gymraeg Conwy Arts Trust awarded £97,944 by BBC Children in Need Conwy Arts Trust are delighted to announce that BBC Children in Need has awarded them a grant of £97,944 over three years. This grant will fund Creu / Create , helping to make a difference to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people right here in North Wales. Create, an arts project that has been running since 2014 at Venue Cymru, provides opportunities for young people age 12 to 16 who are experiencing mental health or emotional difficulties. Participants, who attend Create fortnightly, engage with a range of arts genres from poetry to graffiti to opera singing. They learn new skills and improve their confidence, creativity and engagement skills. With the support of the Create staff, participants also attend theatre shows during the year, something which can be daunting for them. The project aims to improve the mental wellbeing of young people, increase their engagement and give them new skills that will help them express themselves and that are transferable to their school and home environment. Participants are referred by their mental health practitioner, school based counselling and Social Services. With the support of Children in Need we will be able to continue this project for a further three years, giving much needed support to young people who are experiencing a range of difficulties in their lives. Dilwyn Price, Chair of the Conwy Arts Trust said “we are very grateful for the support of BBC Children in Need which will enable us to continue to provide this vital group that has made a huge difference to the lives of many young people” Fiona Holden, Principal Psychological Therapist: CAMHS said “The Create project is the perfect example of how accessing community based activities can make a real difference to the emotional well-being of young people. The support offered by the staff at Create allows young people to take part in something they would otherwise find difficult to access due to their emotional mental health needs. The activities young people engage in at the project are tailored to build confidence and self-esteem in an environment that is inclusive and empowering. We have worked alongside staff at the project since the beginning; a real example of working in partnership for the benefit of young people living in Conwy” A Create participant recently stated “I’ve done something this evening, I thought I’d never do - I made a friend” Create is run in partnership with Venue Cymru, CAMHS and Conwy County Borough Council. BBC Children in Need funding relies on the energy and commitment of thousands of fundraisers and supporters across the UK who donate their time and money to support the Appeal. Whether it’s cake sales, wearing pyjamas to school or having a song and dance, every penny of the money raised goes towards supporting projects across the UK. All grants go to projects working with children and young people living in the UK who may be affected by homelessness, neglect, abuse or poverty, or those who have faced challenges in their lives such as serious illness, disabilities and psychological disorders. ~ENDS~ Notes to Editors: BBC Children in Need is a charity registered in England and Wales (802052) and Scotland (SC039557) whose aim is to make a positive change to the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK. BBC Children in Need’s vision is that every child in the UK has a safe, happy and secure childhood and the chance to reach their potential. BBC Children in Need are currently supporting c.2,600 projects that are working with children and young people facing a range of disadvantages or challenges in their lives such as, poverty and deprivation; abuse or neglect or any kind of disability. Conwy Arts Trust, registered charity 1161120, was established in 2013 to support and promote the arts in the county of Conwy. We believe in the power of the arts to change lives. Venue Cymru is owned and operated by Conwy County Borough Council. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ymddiriedolaeth Celfyddydau Conwy yn derbyn £97,944 gan BBC Plant Mewn Angen Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Celfyddydau Conwy yn falch o gyhoeddi eu bod wedi derbyn grant o £97,944 gan BBC Plant Mewn Angen dros gyfnod o dair blynedd. Bydd y grant yn ariannu Creu / Create, gan helpu i wneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau plant difreintiedig a phlant ifanc yma yng Ngogledd Cymru. Mae Creu, prosiect celfyddydau sydd wedi bod yn rhedeg yn Venue Cymru ers 2014, yn rhoi cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc rhwng 12 a 16 oed sy’n profi anawsterau iechyd meddwl neu emosiynol. Mae cyfranogwyr, sy’n mynychu Creu bob pythefnos, yn ymgysylltu ag amrywiaeth o genres celfyddydol, o farddoniaeth i graffiti i ganu opera. Maent yn dysgu sgiliau newydd ac yn gwella eu hyder, creadigrwydd a sgiliau ymgysylltu. Gyda chefnogaeth staff Creu, mae cyfranogwyr hefyd yn mynychu sioeau theatr yn ystod y flwyddyn, rhywbeth sy’n gallu bod yn hynod anodd iddynt. Mae’r prosiect yn anelu i wella lles meddyliol pobl ifanc, cynyddu eu cyfranogiad a rhoi sgiliau newydd iddynt a fydd yn eu helpu i fynegi eu hunain ac y gellir eu trosglwyddo i'w hysgol ac amgylchedd cartref. Atgyfeirir cyfranogwyr gan eu hymarferydd iechyd meddwl, cwnsela ysgol a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol. Gyda chefnogaeth Plant Mewn Angen gallwn barhau â’r prosiect hwn am dair blynedd arall, gan roi cefnogaeth sy’n fawr ei angen i bobl ifanc sy’n profi ystod o anawsterau yn eu bywydau. Dywed Dilwyn Price, Cadeirydd Ymddiriedolaeth Celfyddydau Conwy “rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn am gefnogaeth BBC Plant Mewn Angen a fydd yn ein galluogi ni i barhau i ddarparu’r grŵp hanfodol hwn sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i fywydau llawer o bobl ifanc" Dywed Fiona Holden, Prif Therapydd Seicolegol: Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Plant a Phobl Ifanc “Mae prosiect Creu yn enghraifft berffaith o sut mae mynediad i weithgareddau yn y gymuned yn gallu gwneud gwir wahaniaeth i les emosiynol pobl ifanc. Mae’r gefnogaeth a gynigir gan staff Creu yn caniatáu pobl ifanc i gymryd rhan mewn rhywbeth a fyddai’n anodd iddynt gael mynediad ato fel arall oherwydd eu hanghenion iechyd meddwl emosiynol. Mae’r gweithgareddau mae’r bobl ifanc yn cymryd rhan ynddynt yn y prosiect wedi eu haddasu er mwyn adeiladu hyder a hunan-barch mewn amgylchedd sy'n gynhwysol ac yn rymusol. Rydym wedi gweithio ochr yn ochr â staff y prosiect ers y cychwyn; enghraifft wirioneddol o weithio mewn partneriaeth er budd pobl ifanc sy’n byw yng Nghonwy” Nododd un o gyfranogwyr Creu yn ddiweddar “Rwyf wedi gwneud rhywbeth heno wnes i erioed meddwl y baswn yn ei wneud – rwyf wedi gwneud ffrind” Mae Creu yn cael ei redeg mewn partneriaeth â Venue Cymru, Gwasanaeth Iechyd Meddwl Plant a Phobl Ifanc a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy. Mae ariannu BBC Plant Mewn Angen yn dibynnu ar egni ac ymrwymiad miloedd o godwyr arian a chefnogwyr ar draws y DU sydd wedi rhoi eu hamser a'u harian i gefnogi'r Apêl. Boed yn gwerthu cacennau, yn gwisgo pyjamas i'r ysgol neu'n canu ac yn dawnsio, mae pob ceiniog o'r arian sy'n cael ei godi yn mynd tuag at gefnogi prosiectau ar draws y DU. Mae’r holl grantiau yn mynd tuag at brosiectau sy’n gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n byw yn y DU sydd efallai wedi eu heffeithio gan ddigartrefedd, esgeulustod, camdriniaeth neu dlodi, neu’r rhai hynny sydd wedi wynebu heriau yn eu bywydau megis salwch difrifol, anableddau neu anhwylder seicolegol. ~DIWEDD~ {0>Notes to Editors:<}100{>Nodiadau i Olygyddion: Elusen gofrestredig yng Nghymru a Lloegr (802052) a’r Alban (SC039557) yw BBC Plant Mewn Angen, a’i nod yw gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau plant a phobl ifanc dan anfantais ar draws y DU. <0} M<0}0} <0} Gweledigaeth BBC Plant Mewn Angen yw bod pob plentyn yn y DU yn cael plentyndod diogel a hapus a'r cyfle i gyrraedd eu potensial. Mae BBC Plant Mewn Angen yn cefnogi oddeutu 2,600 o brosiectau sy’n gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sy'n wynebu ystod o anfanteision neu heriau yn eu bywydau ar hyn o bryd, megis tlodi ac amddifadedd; camdriniaeth neu esgeulustod neu unrhyw fath o anabledd. Sefydlwyd Ymddiriedolaeth Celfyddydau Conwy, elusen gofrestredig 1161120 yn 2013 er mwyn cefnogi a hyrwyddo’r celfyddydau yn sir Conwy. Credwn ym mhŵer y celfyddydau er mwyn newid bywydau. Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy sy’n berchen ac yn rhedeg Venue Cymru.